How To: Stop, Prevent Yahoo & Other Social Reader Apps From Posting On Your Behalf On Facebook

I really find it annoying for social reader apps like Yahoo! to post something on my behalf on my Facebook Wall without me knowing. Every time I read an article on Yahoo!, an update is automatically posted on my Feeds, telling my friends what I just read.

The update made by these social readers usually contains items such as "Freddie just read an article" plus the article link. And this is no cool as you're exactly telling the world your reading habits.

So, how can you prevent social reader apps like Yahoo! from posting on your behalf? Mike Klawrence has this neat solution: Unsocialize, a link unsocializer for Firefox & Chrome.

Stop, Prevent Yahoo! and Other Websites From Automatic Posting On Your Timeline

Unsocialize is a Chrome and Firefox extension that allows you to open articles in a new tab without getting redirected to third-party apps and having to grant them access to your Facebook information. The extension provides a right-click menu item "Unsocialize", which essentially bypasses the install request and any other tracking metrics.

Normally, when you click social reader links especially that of Yahoo!, Facebook takes you to the install app request page, requiring you to give permission to third-party apps. The screenshot below shows an example of what the page looks like.

But with Unsocialize, you can bypass this authorization process, thus preventing social reader apps from posting on your behalf. All you have to do is to right-click on any social reader links, then hit "Unsocialize" (see screenshot below).

Unsocialize is definitely useful especially if you don't want your reading habits to be traced.

Download Unsocialize: The Link Unsocializer For Google Chrome
Download Unsocialize: The Link Unsocializer Add-on For Firefox

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