Part 2: Everything You Need To Know About Blogging

The first part of this article series, we were able to describe the cornerstone of blogging by examining what blogging really is and who can do this wonderful art. During the first part also, we were able to discuss reasons why more and more people are getting hooked in this favorite pastime.

In this second part of our article series, we'll be diving into the hang of blogging, but at this time, we'll be more specific by getting to know the good blogging practices.

Whether you blog for money or just to have an outlet for your thoughts, it's going to be an advantage if you're aware of the good blogging practices, as following:

Blog with integrity. People who're in this business agree that everyone should blog with integrity! Echoing the idea of others in your blog is not a good idea. Have a good tone in your entry and avoid writing words of disappointments and all that kind of bullshits. Backbiting cannot help you as this disattracts every reader.

Get a good topic. Post something in your blog that is unique, content-rich and informative. Keep in mind that people search and surf the net for some piece of information. Post something that's useful and interesting. Post something that others do not know.

Why should everyone visit your blog? This must be something that motivates you when you start typing in your entry. Yes, it's quite hard but this is going to be the best way for you to gain the trust and interest of your audience. Remember that blogging is all about establishing a connection between you and the readers.

Get a good conversation. When you write, do it as if you're talking to someone. Your reader will pay extra attention when you have that conversational tone in your writeups. The I, we, you, your and our should be there.

Participate.Blogging for money is all about gaining the most possible web traffic you can. With that said, you must not do it yourself and alone! Participate! Joining in online community, participating in web discussions or forums, following other blogs, joining blog community and exchanging of comments will do a lot of wonder in your site.

Have a good keywords. As much as possible, make your post crawlable by search bots or is fully optimized for search engines. You must have a good density of your keywords. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is now the most talked-about topic in the internet, and you too should get the hang of it if you want to generate more web hits. A good keyword is something that places your blog in the first ten results when a user searches for it. When you write, take into the shoes of others looking for some interesting topics in the internet. A traffic-generating keywords often contain the phrase "how to" and "tips". But hey, keywords should only account about 15 percent of your blog entry or else search bots like Google will not index it for you.

Regularly update your blog. Don't leave your blog unupdated. You must deliver something new to your readers once to twice a week, if not with every day. Your followers will start to leave your site if they don't get any something new over your portal.

Make use of the web tools. The web tools I'm talking about are the social bookmarking sites and widget that now become an instant hit. The best thing about these web tools is that they help you in generating more web traffics. Twitter, Facebook and the intuitive bookmarking tools will do a lot of work.

(This concludes the second part of our article entitled "Everything You Need To Know About Blogging". The next set of articles will be posted soon. Stay tuned!)

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