How To Access Remote Web Files Without Using FTP Client

Do you know that Windows 7 has a builtin File Transfer Protocol (FTP) support built into its native explorer?

If you're running a weblog or a website on a separate web server, you know exactly how important Filezilla, CuteFTP, and other FTP clients can be. But just in case you miss to know, you can also perform file transfer straight from your computer using Windows explorer alone. If you love the simplicity and convenience of Filezilla, well, then, you'll also love the builtin FTP support of Windows 7.

Accessing your remote files through FTP is as easy as manipulating your files and folders in your Windows explorer. Here's how you can easily access your remote web files without using a third party FTP client:

1. At the address bar of Windows 7 explorer, type in the FTP host name of your remote server (e.g., and hit "Enter".

2. If a valid FTP host name has been entered, you should be prompted for Username and Password. Provide them and click "Log On".

3. After a successful login, you can now manage your remote web files just like you manage your files in a regular folder in Windows 7 explorer.

One thing I like the most about this default FTP support of Windows 7 is that you're just like browsing through your regular files and folder in windows explorer; copy-pasting is fully supported making it easier to copy and transfer files from your computer to a remote web server (and vice versa).

So, if you need to access your web files to a remote host server, you don't have to waste your disk space installing third party FTP application as Windows 7 comes with a builtin FTP function that works like a charm.


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