And if you want to expand your reach, you might want to try Google SMS Channels, a Beta service of Google which allows web visitors to instantly subscribe your blog via SMS. Your visitors will instantly get notified thru text message by the time you post a new content in your blog.

Setting up SMS subscription service using Google SMS Channels is easy. Follow this step-by-step guide on how to set up SMS subscription service for your blog:
Create awesome, secure Contact Us form for your blog
NOTE: Google SMS Channels is currently available in India, which means only visitors from India can subscrible your blog via SMS and only bloggers based in India can avail the service. But don't worry because the guys behind Google promised to make this SMS subscription service available worldwide very soon.And just because you're outside India doesn't mean you can't let Indian visitors subscribe your blog via SMS. Here I will teach you also how to implement this cool SMS subscription service even if you're outside India.
Step 1 : Go to Google SMS Channels website and login using your Google Account.
Step 2: If you've successfully logged in, you should be taken to Google SMS Channel homepage where you can see a section 'Create your own channel' in the right sidebar. Now, click 'Try Now'.
Step 3: Enter your Indian mobile number. You should receive an SMS from Google with verification code.
Step 4: Enter the verification code and verify your mobile phone and click the 'Try Now ' link once again.
Step 5: Now, specify the name of the channel (e.g. WebTips), description, category, and location.
Step 6: Now provide your blog RSS/Atom or feed address. If you're using Blogger, you can choose to give your blogspot address.
Step 7: Check the 'Title' and optionally the 'Body' boxes if you want to send both the blogpost title and post body.
Step 8: Select 'Allow Publishing By ' as 'Only Me' and 'Who can subscribe' as 'Any User'.
Step 9: And finally, hit 'Create Channel'.
Your SMS Channel is now active and ready. Just append the generated link/script anywhere in your blog and your readers can now subscribe your blog via SMS.
Make your blogger, blogspot website mobile friendly
As promised, bloggers outside India can still implement this SMS subscription service. Try to connect to your Indian friends and ask them a little favor; ask their Indian mobile number, ask them to forwad back the verification code sent by Google, and proceed to Step 3. That's it.Currently I'm still waiting for my Indian friends in Facebook for their replies...hopefully they'll cooperate. And if you can't wait, you can get an instant virtual Indian phone number, but it comes at a price.
SMS subscription service trully is a great addition to your blog. Loyal visitors can freely choose what type of notification they're most comfortable to deal with.
Wait for my update for I'm going to show you how to come up with your own SMS subscription service for your blog using PHP and free SMS gateway available in your country. Subscribe via email below.