No matter how good the apps management is of a certain operating system, in its course of use it will eventually gather junk files.
Junk files are basically files or data that have once been useful but is irrelevant for the time being. After you download a game or an application, sometimes it will have to download additional files for it to work properly.
When you're finished playing the game or using the application, it's recommended to remove the app, especially if it's a free app, to recover space. This is a good practice as some applications have background processes running and using that precious battery power unnecessarily.
However, some apps don’t have a thorough uninstallation script and that leaves a lot of files in your system. Most devices don't offer expandable storage space, specially iOS devices, which leaves you with a meager available space for your media. It's time to get rid of junk files from your Android/iPhone device.
Add More Space To Your iOS, Android Devices By Removing Junk Files
Allow us to share an Android and a free iPhone application that will help us get rid of junk files on your Android and iPhone devices in no time.PhoneClean Removes Unnecessary Files On Your iPhone, iPad & iTouch (link)

PhoneClean for iPhone is a desktop application that runs on a windows PC. When you connect your iPhone for charging or syncing on iTunes, why not take an extra time to clean up and get rid of those junk files on your iPhone? iOS maybe the “most advanced” mobile operating system but it still uses caches and temp files to keep things going. By getting rid of these junk files, this allows us to open heavy websites and resources intensive application faster because our device has more free space to use.
Recover All Accidentally Deleted JPEG Files, Photos On Your Android Device
PhoneClean is free to use and, as expected from an application that deals with iOS devices, has a pretty straightforward interface. PhoneClean is also smart enough to allow you to keep some cache and offline data like news, articles, magazines, and book data you’re subscribed to.Get PhoneClean for free and reclaim what is rightfully yours.
1-Click Cleaner Quickly Cleans Up Your Android Phone (link)

Just like iOS on iPhone, the Android operating system on your Android device uses caches and temp files too. This can include old SMS, browsing history, call records, and other files on your SD card. The difference with this app from the one from iPhone is that this application runs on the device itself.
1-Click cleaner can help you to easily get rid of junk files on your android device with, well, 1 click.
Password Protect, Lock Certain Applications Installed On Your Phone
With 1-Click Cleaner, you can clear all the cache that eats up your storage space, uninstall applications, clear application data, and force stop running application. You can also mass delete SMS based on contacts, unknown senders, or delete all.Unlike other advanced android applications, you don’t need a rooted device for this to work.
Get 1-Click Cleaner from Google Play now.