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Before I dive into the most advanced document scanner apps for the iPhone and Android, I am going to reborn this innovative solution of Nokia first. To the best of my knowledge, Nokia was the first mobile platform to produce a “working” document scanning software that can convert any text from a printed document and turn it into an instant eBook or PDF. The process is simple: just point your camera to the document or anywhere that has recognizable characters and let your phone do the magic.Let Your Phone Recognizes Texts From Books, Printed Documents Using Phone’s Camera
The application is called MultiScanner for Nokia, a free scanning software designed for Nokia Symbian s60 handsets. This application uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, making it possible for your phone to recognize texts/characters from any given printed sources such as books, newspaper, among others. By just simply pointing your camera to the paper documents, you can instantly turn any printed material into an instant PDF.
Learn How To Recover, Backup SMS Text Messages
Alright, screenshot speaks better so here’s a quick walkthrough (just click the image to enlarge):

Nokia’s MultiScanner can be handy if you hate to write or simply you find yourself in a situation where you need to obtain the same copy of document but no scanning or fax machine available in your area. The application works fine with N95 8G and should work Download MultiScanner for Nokia below:
Download MultiScanner