With the internet so open to anyone, it is no surprise that copyright infringement and other content theft is rising fast. The best protection you can give to all your online images is to embed photo watermarks online to personalize and thereby, clearly identify all your image files.
Basically, according to the FreeDictionary.com and Dictionary.com, a watermark on any picture simply means:
"The faint design made on paper during manufacture, that is visible when held against the light and typically identifies the maker."The best example for a watermark are those found on Australian dollar bills and South Korean Won bills.
Create, Add Links To Already Uploaded Videos On YouTube
Traditionally, watermarks are added by embedding a custom text or tile into the image using photo-editing software like Adobe Photoshop. But no, you don't have to go through the same old process of watermarking your photos this time. There is this awesome online photo watermark creator that can surely save you time when watermarking your photos online.Picmarkr: Free Online Photo Watermark Creator To Watermark Your Images Without Using Photoshop (link)
With Picmarkr Free Online Photo Watermark Creator, you can easily watermark your online images for free.In using Picmarkr.com, there are simply three very easy steps to follow:
1 Upload images or photos of your choice Upload any picture or image of your choice from your Facebook account, you blog, flickr.com, or Picasa.com. Then, using the Picmarkr Watermark Creator, you can upload and watermark up to five images at once. You can even resize your pictures as you see fit, from 500 up to 1024 pixels.

2 Select a Watermark Format You have a choice from the three popular formats, text, image, or tiled watermarks.

3 Download the Watermarked Images After selecting the watermark format you want, the watermarked image should be ready for downloading.