Here's another good reason why Gmail is still the best email service as yet:

You can now get a consolidated view of all email attachments sent to your Gmail account.

Being able to view and manage all email attachments in single manageable place basically means convenience. You don't want to waste your time searching through your inbox for email attachments, right?

Access, Manage All Files Stored Across Multiple Cloud Accounts All At Once

Well, the consolidation of email attachments is not at all a built-in feature of Gmail. Rather it is made possible by another web services called and DropBox. And Griffith, one of my readers here, shares you the gist on how get it up and running.

Very few simple steps and you should be able to see all Gmail attachments in one manageable place.

Access, Manage All Email Attachments In One Manageable Place (Gmail)

Note: Before you do the setup, make sure you're logged in to both DropBox and Gmail accounts. And to make the setup short, use Google Chrome browser.

Getting started with is quite snap to use. First you need to download/install Chrome extensions from its website (link). Once installation is complete, you should be taken back to your Gmail's account. This time, you may need to authorize the app to connect to your Gmail account.

Cloud Save: The Quickest Way To Download, Backup Files Straight To The Cloud

Once and Gmail are connected, you'll now get introduced on how to make it work. An on-screen instruction should be displayed straight on your inbox, hinting you to do some basic actions such as connecting and DropBox (or Box) account, saving your first email attachment to your cloud storage account (in this case, DropBox), and specifying DropBox directory where email attachment gets saved.

The on-screen instruction will also introduce you to "filters", which allows you automatically send, save all email attachments to your DropBox/Box account when certain criterion meets. This is really handy when you want to put all work-related files sent as email attachments in one manageable size.

Automatically Backup WordPress Blog Database To DropBox

Now, as soon as DropBox authorization/setup is complete, you should  be able to view and manage all your email attachments from your DropBox account. Or you can access, manage all email attachments straight from your account (we recommend this).

Get A Consolidated View Of All Email Attachments In Gmail — View All Gmail Attachments All At Once

While working with other collaborators in our team on a certain web project, I recently learned that uploaded document files that are converted to Google documents format cannot be larger than 2MB. Google Docs seem to protest for any uploaded files/documents of more than 2MB in size, which I believe a big turn off for anyone who wants to get the job done fast.

Here's a sample failed upload prompt from Google Docs. It says "Sorry, this file is too big. We can only convert files up to 2 MB in size.":

Well, obviously there is this file size upload restrictions on Google Docs, and unfortunately there's not such a good web app similar to Google Docs that offers seamless, real-time collaboration at no cost.

Access, Manage All Files Stored Across Multiple Cloud Storage Accounts In One Place

So let's get our head back to Google.

Getting Rid Of Google Docs' 2MB Upload File Size Limits

If you ever found yourself in a complete need to upload large documents, spreadsheets to Google Docs but could not due to file size restrictions, you might find this simple workaround useful. (For more of our Google-related goodies, you can find them HERE).

Alright, here's the trick:

Rather than uploading your large files, spreadsheets and documents to Google Docs, send them all to your own Gmail account. As soon as you receive all the documents, save them to your Google Docs account. Yes, it's really that quick.

Cloud Save - The Quickest Way To Download, Backup Files Straight To The Cloud

Here are the basic steps:

Step 1 Send the document to your own Gmail account.

Step 2 Once received, click on "View". Gmail should launch Google Doc viewer in a separate tab/window.

Step 3 Now, hit that tiny "Save in Google Docs" button at the upper right corner of the viewer. Once done, you should see your newly-added file to your Google Docs collection.

It's quite surprising to note that it takes only Gmail to remove that file size upload restriction in Google Docs. So next time, if you encounter that same Google Docs prompt again, just follow that dead simple Google hacks. Enjoy!

How To: Circumvent, Remove The Maximum 2MB File Size Upload Limits In Google Docs

Android evangelist Zen is quick to suggest that I should've had QR images added to all iPhone & Android downloadables featured here. According to him, users will find it easier to access those mobile goodies if they can just point their camera down to every QR code, and let the phone do the magic.

And yes he's right; you want to give the best possible user experience from your blog, right?

DynoTag: A New QR Tagging Service That Helps You Find Your Lost Stuff

If you're wondering about how to dynamically generate QR codes for any given URL or web page, you might want to check out this cool QR Code API generator courtesy of

Easiest Way To Dynamically Generate QR Codes Via JavaScript QR Code Generator is a tiny JavaScript library that lets you programatically generate QR Codes for any given web link. Generating QR Codes using their API is a snap. Just copy and paste below JS lines anywhere on your blog post and it will magically display a QR Code image  pointing to the page.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"/>
<script type="text/javascript">

The above script calls a function generateQRCODE() which will automatically generate a QR Code image for Now mobile phones can easily bookmark your webpage, just by taking a picture of the image generated by this script. For a complete implementation instruction, head over here.

Learn How To Automatically Generate Thumbnails, Screenshots For Any Website' QR Code generation service is a complete clean-cut if you want to programatically generate QR codes for any given website. Just a few lines of scripts, you'll see the QR code magically sits there.

You might not need' QR Code Generator right now, but it's a good site to bookmark for the future when you do.

QR code image for

Dynamically Create, Generate QR Codes For Download Links, URLs

You cannot quickly trash all SMS text messages saved on your phone. Chances are there might be some good old important information buried down on your inbox that you just missed to look up. While you can always do a quick scan to those SMS text messages stored on your phone, the process could be utterly tiresome especially if you're dealing with hundreds to thousands of messages.

If you're wondering about how to backup, export your good old SMS text messages before finally trashing them all, you might want to check out SMS Backup +.

Backup, Save All SMS Text Messages To GMail All At Once (Android)

SMS Backup + is a tiny piece of app for the Android that  lets you copy all SMS text messages from your phone to your Gmail account. A new label called "SMS" will be created on your Gmail once backing up is complete.

How To: Backup, Export SMS Text Messages Into Text File

SMS Backup + is very easy to use. You just have to connect your Gmail account with SMS Backup + and grant access to the app if you're opening the app for the first time.

Here's a quick walkthrough:

Step 1 Download and Install SMS Backup + from Google Play Store HERE.

Step 2 Once installed, connect your Gmail account with SMS Backup + (this is required). You just have to hit the tiny "Connect" checkbox, until the app prompts you this:

Step 3 Grant SMS Backup + access to your Gmail account.

Step 4 Once access is granted, you should be taken back the app. From there you can start right away the backup process, as seen here:

It's that easy!

Cloud Save: The Quickest Way To Download, Backup Files Straight To The Cloud

I always make it a habit to free my phone from unnecessary logs and dead-old text messages for this reason: I want my phone to be as manageable and smooth as possible. And this is where SMS Backup for Android comes in handy.

Backup, Save SMS Text Messages To Gmail All At Once (Android)

Whether you're looking for a Quit Claim Deed, Non-Disclosure Agreement or Bill of Sale, finding legal documents online can be downright annoying. You'll get overwhelmed by the number of options when you google something like "General Contract Forms", etc. Finding reliable document online is like finding a needle in a haystack, and yes it's a pain!

Thankfully there is such a good and reliable website that helps you find legal documents you need -- all for free.

Docracy: Your Free Online library for Open Source Legal Document Templates (link)

The free web resource is called Docracy -- it's a library of contracts, legal agreement and other legal documents submitted and maintained by Docracy users all over the world. Docracy was created to make it a  a lot easier for anyone to find high quality and trustworthy legal documents from reputable and transparent sources.

Burn Note Lets You Send Password-Protected, Self-Destructing Email Messages

A one-time registration for a free Docracy account is needed to get started. Registration process doesn't take any longer than a couple of seconds. As soon as your account is created you'll  be able to start sharing and accessing all the legal documents you could ever need.
Once you find a document, Docracy gives you the option to edit and save it for later use. PDF and Word version of the document is available too so you can instantly print and get a hard-copy of it.

Access, Manage All Files Stored Across Multiple Cloud Storage Accounts All At Once

You may not need a legal document right now, but it's a good site to bookmark for the future when you do. Docracy's database of documents is constantly growing so go check it out!

Docracy: Your One-Stop Repository for Free, Open Source Legal Document Templates

The dreaded timeline feature of Facebook is upon us, and is inevitable.

 Facebook has decided to make the timeline feature mandatory across all its users. Problem is, at once in our lives, we’ve made a pretty bad decision of posting status updates that can make or break our application from a job or can destroy our current relationship. Facebook has no built-in feature that will allow us to delete our previous posts from a certain year.

There was once an Android application called Exfoliate, that they said, kept Mark up all night figuring how to combat the application that automatically deletes things for you. But Facebook has made moves and now the application is not available.

 Here, we present you a “brute-force” alternative that will help you “automate” the cleaning up process of your timeline. This may not be a full automation of the process but will definitely do you a favor.


- A web browser that supports iMacros (e.g. Firefox, Chrome)
- iMacros add-on for your chosen browser
- A little patience
- Common Sense

In this tutorial, we will use the Mozilla Firefox browser.


Step 1 Launch Mozilla Firefox.

Step 2 Download and install iMacros for FireFox.

Just click on the Add to Firefox link and follow on screen instruction to complete installation. After installation, allow it to restart your browser.

Step 3 When Firefox has restarted, go to your Facebook timeline page and start managing your timeline.

To do this thoroughly, I suggest we do it by month instead of by year.

Step 4 On the rightmost part of your timeline page, you will see the timeline. Click on the year you want to start, for this tutorial, I chose the year 2009. Clicking on the year 2009 will expand it with months.

Step 5 Right-click on the month you want to start with and select Open in New Tab.
Close you current tab and let’s start the actual process.

*Note: This will delete every post without giving you the ability to choose which post it deletes or skips.
On our next tab, we will see something like this.
Step 6 Let’s now activate iMacros. Locate the iMacros icon on your browser.

It’s the small icon to the left of the address bar. Click on it to activate the tool.

Once activated you will see this.

Step 7 Right click on the #Currenr.iim and select Edit Macro.

This window will pop-up. Current script may be different in your case.
Step 8 Select all and delete everything written in there and replace it with this.

TAG POS=1 TYPE=I ATTR=CLASS:mrsimgsp_78bswxsx_580af6

After doing so, click on save.

Click on the one you saved and click Play. You can also look at he Repeat Macro portion and select the number of times you want the process to execute.


iMacros: Mass Delete Previous Status, Wall Posts On Facebook By Year/Month

Want to get instant alert for new and interesting contents in the web? Want to get insightful idea for your niche of business and generate more sales leads? Ever want to try new exciting promos and offers first before others do it? If yes, then, look no further as the web tool you're looking for is just around the corner.

Google Alerts is one of the least-explored yet powerful services of Google. When it was first introduced in early 2008, many people ignored it; a lot of people especially bloggers and online entrepreneurs failed to recognize the potential it brings both for blogging and marketing.

Google Music - Your Music In The Cloud

So, what is Google Alerts?

Google Alerts is a web content monitoring and notification service of Google that automatically notifies you when new content from the web (e.g. blogs, video and/or discussion groups) matches a set of search terms of your interest.

How Google Alerts work?

Google Alerts asks you for a set of keywords of your interest. Google Alerts will then scan the web for relevant contents based on your query or topic of interest. And when one of your keywords matches with the latest articles, press release in the web, Google Alerts will then instantly notify you via email.

Manipulate Surveillance Cameras Anywhere In The World With Google

Why use Google Alerts?

This web content detection service of Google comes in handy when you want to:
  • monitor a developing news story in the net
  • know what your business competitor is brewing
  • get instant news for your favorite celebrities
  • get instant notification for local events
  • keep tabs on your favorite sports teams
In my case, it was Google Alerts who made me try new and exciting offers and freebies in the internet such as free (trial) pc to mobile calls worldwide, exclusive access to premium sites, many others.

The exciting part about Google Alert other than being a powerful marketing tool is that you'll get more personalized updates and notifications in the goings-on in the world. Learn more about Google Alerts here.

How do you like this post? Leave comments below.

How To: Monitor New Interesting Contents In The Web

When trying to delete an undeletable file or folder, you must have surely faced this error message:

Cannot delete. Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use

This error message usually occurs when you’re trying to remove a file/folder currently in use by your computer or a certain program/services is currently accessing the file. But most often, this error message occurs when you’re trying to delete a file with file attributes modified by a malware (usually hidden, write-protected and stored at 0KB by size). Why do we actually need to trash such files when they’re not bogging anyway on our computer? Simple. We hate seeing them residing on our hard drives.

This article will walk you through on how to permanently delete “Recycler” folder and persistent .BAT files, .EXEs, and other undeletable files in minutes.

Deleting undeletable file/folder using notepad

The simplest way to delete an undeletable file/folder is to create the same file/folder within that directory using only your native notepad. Here’s how:

  1. Open your Notepad by clicking Start>Run and type Notepad. This should launch a new Notepad document.
  2. Optionally, you can type anything in your Notepad but leaving it blank will do.
  3. Click File and Save As. This should open a Save As dialog.
  4. Locate the directory where your undeletable file/folder is.
  5. On the ‘File Type’ box, choose All Files.
  6. Click once on the undeletable file you want to force delete and its filename should appear in ‘File Name’ box (e.g. Autorun.inf).
  7. Put a double quote (“) at the start and end of the file name. This instructs Notepad to overwrite it. So from Autorun.inf, it should now be ”Autorun.inf”. Then, hit Save.

Notepad should now prompt you to overwrite the existing file, just choose Yes and that’s it! You can now delete an undeletable file/folder as normal.

How To Delete Undeletable File or Folder Using Notepad?